EB5 Investors Magazine Volume 7, Issue 1 | Page 7

EB5INVESTORS.COM 5 T able of C ontents Volume 7 | Issue 1 8 R edeployment L essons L earned : H ow to P rotect EB-5 I nvestors & R educe L itigation R isks to EB-5 S ponsors   By Catherine DeBono Holmes & Ronald R. Fieldstone 14 19 W hy M any I nvestors D ream of EB-5 to H elp A chieve E ducational G oals for T heir C hildren By Robert Garmong B est P ractices for R esponding S uccessfully to RFE s & NOID s By Samuel B. Silverman & Vishal K. Chhabria INVESTOR STORIES 24 29 ‘L ife -C hanging ’ EB-5 P rogram P rovides A merican D ream for H ong K ong F amily By Fang Tian, EB5 Investors Magazine Staff ‘I’ m R eally T hankful for the EB-5 P rogram ’ By Bradley Zint, EB5 Investors Magazine Staff 34 C hinese I nvestor A voids EB-5 V isa R etrogression U sing C ross -C hargeability 38 D one W aiting : P lanning an E ffective L-1A P etition in P lace of EB-5 By Fang Tian, EB5 Investors Magazine Staff By William T. Dean  43 N avigating the C omplex W orld of U.S. T axation for EB-5 I nvestors 48 H ow to P itch EB-5 to M iddle E astern I nvestors By Maria Antonietta Diaz By Abbas Hashmi