Eb5 Investors Magazine Top25 edition 2023; Issue 10:1 | Page 2

Named EB5 Investors Magazine 2023 Top 25 Immigration Attorneys

Congratulations to

Samuel Newbold

Chair , Immigration Law Group

Rohit Turkhud

Counsel , Immigration Law Group
Named EB5 Investors Magazine 2023 Top 25 Immigration Attorneys
For over a decade , CSG Law ’ s EB-5 and Alternative Capital Teams have successfully counseled EB-5 investors , regional centers , issuers , real estate developers and business operators raising capital through the EB-5 program . We look forward to the next decade of continuing our advocacy and work with our EB5 clients and stakeholders .
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome .
C H I E S A S HA H INI AN & G I AN T O MA S I P C csglaw . com