EB5 Investors Magazine Volume 2 Issue 2 | Page 66

Continued from page 63 INVESTING AROUND THE WORLD UNITED STATES UNITED KINGDOM $500,000 at risk investment and create 10 US jobs £ 1 million investment in bonds or loans to UK companies PORTUGAL 500,000 € in property OR 1 million € in funds transfer OR Create jobs PERMANENT RESIDENCY ST. KITTS AND NEVIS TEMPORARY VISA SPAIN 500,000 € in property $250,000 donation to the Sugar Industry Diversification Fund OR 1 million € in corporate shares or cash transfer OR OR $400,000 in property 2 million € in Spanish bonds OR RESIDENCY AUSTRALIA $1.5 million AUD in government bonds OR $5 million AUD investment in bonds, managed funds, or private companies Create jobs PASSPORT 64 RESIDENCY E B 5 I n v e s to r s M ag a z i n e RESIDENCY