EB5 Investors Magazine Volume 4 Issue 1 | Page 20

I-RIMS ™ THE GOLD STANDARD FOR IMPACT MULTIPLIERS FOR ACCURATE EB5 JOB IMPACTS, YOU NEED RELIABLE MULITPLIERS. IMPLAN’S I-RIMS™ exceeds the competition in every way: » Lower cost » More up-to-date multipliers » 536 Detailed Industry Sectors compared to 369 » More accurate multipliers based on the Trade Flow versus Location Quotient method which under-estimates the trade between regions Economic Impact Modeling www.IMPLAN.com 18 Continued from page 17 “Currently, the EB-5 market in Vietnam is developing quickly and it’s very dynamic.” EB5 Investors Magazine: Generally speaking, what are the biggest challenges for a Vietnamese investor to overcome when looking at the EB-5 program? And which challenges do you see, globally, for the EB-5 program overall? Cam Ly: We think the biggest obstacle for the EB-5 market worldwide is that in recent years, EB-5 has had legislators suggest a lot of changes regarding the EB-5 law and that makes a lot of clients, especially clients in Asia, hesitant to join the program. The second obstacle is even though it’s a government program, the U.S. government hasn’t done much outreach. So if they can show more time and effort in reaching out to investors, then that should be easier. EB5 Investors Magazine: What type of projects do you look for? Do you look for hotels, apartments, or energy projects? Cam Ly: Usually we prefer projects that have a big appraisal value and fixed assets. The land or the building – their value should be very high compared to the amount of EB-5 investment they raised. EB5 Investors Magazine: Do you offer both the regional center option and the direct investment option? Cam Ly: We have a lot of clients who invest through the regional center program and very few clients who do direct investment. EB5 Investors Magazine: In terms of underwriting, can you list the top three things that you would look for in a project, and explain each one? Cam Ly: First of all, for the EB-5 funding in the capital stack, we usually prefer projects that have a safe zone or limit of EB-5 capital raised. Usually we EB5 INVESTORS MAGAZINE prefer projects that have EB-5 capital in the form of loans instead of equity investment. If they have a very clear, transparent and sufficient loan agreement, then we would prefer to work with that project. EB5 Investors Magazine: What is something unique about your company that you feel makes you stand out from other migration agencies? Cam Ly: We’re very proud that our clients trust us, and I think that is thanks to our service. One of the things that we spend time and effort on is looking at the projects very closely. We bring our clients very good, sustainable, and safe projects that can ensure their green card and their money returned. And beyond everything, we are dedicated to our client’s happiness and well-being. We provide a full relocation package that takes good care of them after they first immigrate to the United States, to make sure they transition well. EB5 Investors Magazine: Is there anything else you wanted to share about ImmiCa Investment Immigration? Cam Ly: Currently, the EB-5 market in Vietnam is developing quickly and it’s very dynamic. We are trying our best to help potential investors. We are hoping we can make our contribution to the market to make it more transparent, and we want to provide clients with all the information they need so that they can make the decision based on their own case and an individualized decision for themselves. ★