EB5 Investors Magazine Volume 6, Issue 1 | Page 87

The minimum bar should be to run a background check on everyone with access to investor and project information working in your circle. CYBERINSURANCE HAS BECOME A NECESSITY Cyberinsurance might have seemed like a ridiculous waste of money just a few years ago, but now it is an absolute necessity as part of your continuity of operations plan. What would happen to your business while you are defending your company against claims from a cyberattack? Most EB-5 regional centers wouldn’t survive, costing investors their funds and green cards. Travel is an important part of the EB-5 business model, during which time data is perhaps most vulnerable. You’ve heard stories about government laptops that were stolen and contained millions of people’s personal information, which means the entire database was replicated on that device. Most people have stopped doing that, but it is very dangerous to have that much data concentrated within an unsecured device. You log in to your office technology over public Wi-Fi or the free Wi-Fi provided by the vendors you patronize, often not realizing that your information could be captured for use by cybercriminals who pay to machine read your transmission, searching for ways to steal your data. This is just another day at the office for them. Using your mobile device as a hotspot is convenient, but it makes that hotspot a vulnerability. Be certain that all your people have more than just simple virus protection on their laptops and mobile devices. Each unprotected device is an open door for cybercriminals. Regional centers are financial institutions that, in many cases, handle transactions totaling hundreds of millions in foreign investor funds, combined with at least that much in domestic money. Cyberthreats are a real and present risk to the investments and reputations of investors, regional center owners and project owners. While some regional centers conduct impressive self-imposed security procedures, unfortunately, many of these exposures are not understood and therefore overlooked or ignored by far too many. Expect integrity measures to include provisions for ensuring the security of investor information in the future. Be prepared and do a sel