EB5 Investors Magazine Volume 7, Issue 2 | Page 49

TOP IMMIGRATION AT TORNEYS RAKESH PATEL PATEL LAW GROUP investors, to stomach for many reasons. As with all changes, it takes time for all stakeholders to adjust. While I do think the investment amounts have made it more prohibitive for potential investors to invest, I do understand the change. I am hoping for more conversation on the topic from our legislators in the near future to consider changing the amounts so that investors are able to use the EB-5 program to its fullest potential. Rakesh Patel is a founding par tner and ser ves as a managing partner to the Patel Law Group. Patel’s primar y practice area is business immigration with a focus on foreign EB-5 investment in the U.S. He has helped immigrants and investors throughout the world in obtaining their visas and green cards to the U.S. through the EB-5 process. Patel takes every step of the legal process very seriously. His extensive background in business and educational background in business administration is put to daily use when he visits with his clients. He not only understands their legal needs but understands how that legal decision may impact the business. WHAT NEW TRENDS ARE YOU SEEING IN THE EB-5 INDUSTRY? With the advent of the new modernization rules, I see that developers and investors are becoming more creative in their use of EB-5. First, developers have realized that fewer investors are required for their projects so they can be more direct on their investor targets. They are also becoming more creative on their capital stacks. For the investors, they are now exploring the personal loans for use of funds to invest. This brings up more complicated issues that we, as attorneys, have to make sure we are aware of current trends and court rulings. I do see EB-5 picking up again soon as everyone becomes more comfortable with new rules and trends. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THE EB-5 MODERNIZATION CHANGES THAT TOOK EFFECT IN 2019 WITH THE INCREASED INVESTMENT AMOUNTS? The new modernization rules have been talked about so long that it did not come as a shock to me. However, they have been very difficult for our clients, both developers and UNIQUE EB-5 OPPORTUNITY This Project is the first of its kind on the EB-5 Market, offering the investor a higher rate of interest and equity. RETIRE-RITE AN EB-5 PROJECT $900,000 EB-5 investment through ALED Partners. The EB-5 Investment will be used to fund continued operations, technology and expansion. The project will create 54 jobs. The project will pay 4% interest in addition to offering their EB-5 investors 12% in equity. One Subscription, $900,000 Direct Investment EB-5 INVESTOR’S RETURNS Original Investment Amount 2020 4% Annual Interest Rate $900,000 12% Equity Ownership Original Investment Returned 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $36,000 $36,000 $36,000 $36,000 $14,944 $209,136 $600,060 $600,000 2026 $600,060 $900,000 Steven J Gervasio, Managing Director | Tel 484-904-5000 | Cel 401-286-6667 | sgervasio@aledltd.com EB5INVESTORS.COM 49